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4 Types of Blog Posts That (Almost) Anyone Can Write

December 7th, 2010 · 11 Comments

©iStock.com/ VikramRaghuvanshi

One of my writing specialties (in addition to marketing copywriting and technical writing) is blogging. Today, I thought I’d share a few blogging tips with you.

Over the past few years, I’ve blogged professionally at five different blogs (not including the one you’re reading, which I own). During that same period, I’ve literally written hundreds of blog posts.

As a professional blogger, I know that thinking of topics to write about can sometimes be a struggle. That’s why today I’ve decided to list four types of blog posts that nearly anyone can write.

Here are the four types of posts:

  1. A problem you are struggling with now, or have struggled with recently. Chances are if you are struggling with something, at least some of your readers are too. If you’ve solved the problem, of course you can include your solution in your post. However, it’s okay to post a problem without a solution. Most readers are happy to chip in with their own suggestions on how you can solve the problem.
  2. Something you’ve recently learned. Did you recently learn something new? Why not share it with your blog’s audience so that they can learn from your experience. You can either explain how to do what you just learned (especially if what you learned is relatively simple), or you can tell the audience how they can learn the same thing that you did.
  3. Great resources that you want to share. Resource lists are very popular posts. Many blog readers are looking for resources and tools to make their life easier. If you can provide a list of reliable resources for your readers, you’ve got the start of a very helpful post. Better yet, these posts tend to continue to draw traffic weeks, or even months, after they were first posted.
  4. Your opinion on a topic of interest to you. Have you got a cause that you’re passionate about? Do you have a strong opinion on something? Why not share your thoughts with your blog audience? Writing an opinion post will not only help your blog readers get to know you better, it will help you get the word out about something that you care deeply about.

There you have it. Four types of blog posts that nearly anyone could write about.

What is your favorite type of blog post?

Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

11 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Twitter Trackbacks for 4 Types of Blog Posts That (Almost) Anyone Can Write : WritingThoughts [writingthoughts.com] on Topsy.com // Dec 7, 2010 at

    […] 4 Types of Blog Posts That (Almost) Anyone Can Write : WritingThoughts writingthoughts.com/?p=949 – view page – cached Freelance writing – what you need to know about good writing and more. Tweets about this link […]

  • 2 Matt Keegan // Dec 11, 2010 at

    Good, Laura!

    I’ve been trying to do more of step #4 on Matt’s Musings lately — to capture what this site is all about which are my own thoughts. Not always of interest to the vast majority of my readers, but nonetheless a good place for me to state my opinion. Basic blogging 101!

  • 3 Laura Spencer // Dec 12, 2010 at

    Thanks Matt!

    I’ll look forward to that. I try to make it over to Matt’s Musings at least once a week. 🙂

  • 4 12 Days of Blogging 2010: 12 Writers Writing — BlogWorld Expo Blog // Dec 14, 2010 at

    […] 4 Types of Blog Posts That (Almost) Anyone Can Write by Laura Spencer at Writing […]

  • 5 Why Writers Should Blog and Bloggers Should Write by @allison_boyer « Warren Whitlock’s Book Marketing Blog // Dec 14, 2010 at

    […] Read more at http://www.aliventures.com Amplify’d from https://www.writingthoughts.com […]

  • 6 Samantha Gluck // Jan 1, 2011 at

    I loved this piece. I like that you included the parenthetical (Almost) in the title. So many of my non-writing friends think that I “don’t do much” to produce my articles and blogs until they try to write one themselves.

  • 7 Laura Spencer // Jan 6, 2011 at

    Thanks Samantha! 🙂

    We may be sitting down, but writing and blogging is hard work.

  • 8 Joe McDermott // Jan 11, 2011 at

    Thanks for the great post. I’m going to share this with my fellow agents at my office. I get this all the time…”what do I write about…” with the frightful look that screams “YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WRITE TO CONNECT WITH PEOPLE ON THE WEB!?!?”
    I get writers block all the time…these are some good suggestions I’ll refer back to when the need arises.
    Thanks – Joe

  • 9 Laura Spencer // Jan 12, 2011 at

    I’m glad you enjoyed it Joe. It’s true that not everyone wants to be online or understands the importance of the Internet.

  • 10 iadvize // Jan 23, 2011 at

    I have one more tip: If you travel a lot, just write about the places you have been in, take some nice pictures, give some good advices to your readers. People tend to like it.

  • 11 Omar // Aug 3, 2011 at

    I am actually working as a Blogger right now. But my real passion is for fiction, stories with twists in the plot. Check out my website: http://www.gateofintrigue.com and email me if you think I’m any good 🙂 You’ll find yourself deeply intrigued!