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The Twitter Experiment

March 31st, 2008 · 12 Comments

I’ve joined Twitter as an experiment to see if it can be of any use for business. You can read all about it here: Can Twitter Be Used For Business?

Since I kept reading all of these posts from bloggers who claimed to be getting business use out of Twitter, last week I decided to find out for myself whether or not the tool could be of any business use. (Here’s another post about Twitter and business.)

As a result of the experiment, I’ll be twittering for a short time almost every day over the course of the next month, or so. I’ll keep track of my impressions and let you know what I think of it at the end of the experiment. I’ll also post a summary of the experiment over at the Business and Blogging blog.

In the meantime, if you want to follow me, you can find me here: TXWriter.

(If you missed the last time that I gave out my social media information, here it is again: StumbleUpon: TXWriter, Sk*rt: TXWriter, Facebook: use Laura [at symbol] writingthoughts [dot] com. I think those are the only ones that I really use, although I do have profiles elsewhere.)

Do you use Twitter already? What are you impressions of it? 

Contents (c) Copyright 2008, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Tags: Fun Stuff · WAHM · Web Content

12 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Shannan P // Mar 31, 2008 at

    I signed up a few weeks ago, but just started really experimenting with it. I’m anxious to see if it does anything for business once I really get going with it.

  • 2 George Lindemann Jr // Apr 1, 2008 at

    Seeing new comments on posts via Twitter is more useful/timely to me than subscribing to a feed for one post or feed for all comments on a particular blog.

    …which is an interesting note on how often I check Twitter these days vs. Google Reader.

  • 3 Mary Emma Allen // Apr 1, 2008 at

    Guess I’d better sign up for Twitter and see what happens for me. I’ve been reading, too, about how it benefits the business person or someone looking to make business contacts. I hadn’t taken it too seriously at first, now am having second thoughts.

  • 4 Amy // Apr 1, 2008 at

    Oh no, not Twitter! LOL I’ve been avoiding Twitter like the plague, because everyone says it’s so addicting. I’ll be interested in following your experiment though. 🙂

  • 5 Wendy // Apr 1, 2008 at

    I’ve heard it’s addicting too, so like Amy said have been avoiding it. lol My dh and I even have jokes about Twittering! If I understand it correctly, it’s a bit time consuming… or at least ends up that way based on its addicting nature. I’ll be following your posts to see (out of curiousity) how your experiences go. 😉

  • 6 Laura Spencer // Apr 1, 2008 at

    Hi Shannan P. , Yvonne, George, Mary Emma, Amy, and Wendy!


    It sounds like a lot of folks are curious about this tool. I’m glad to be able to provide additional information.

    I’ll definitely keep you all posted.

  • 7 Twittering Along With Twitter In Your Home Business // Apr 2, 2008 at

    […] The Twitter Experiment by Laura Spencer at Writing Thoughts.  Learn here how you can follow Laura’s experiences. […]

  • 8 Mary Emma Allen // Apr 2, 2008 at

    Laura, I just linked to this post over at Home Biz Notes and suggested that my readers, who are curious about Twitter, read of your experiences.

  • 9 All A Twitter About Twitter - A Change Of Heart // Apr 3, 2008 at

    […] Tip When Starting Out With Twitter Des Walsh also added a comment at Home Biz Notes. He shared a tip worth its weight in gold to would be or beginning twitter users. … proceed […]

  • 10 Matt Keegan // Apr 3, 2008 at

    I signed up for Twitter in January and never made much use of it. I couldn’t be bothered with frequently updating it and a lot of the other “twits” I was reading was nonsensical. Still, if you can connect for work, then twit away!

  • 11 Laura // Apr 4, 2008 at

    Thanks Mary Emma!

    Matt – I think everyone has to figure out what works for them. As far as I’m concerned, the jury’s still out.

  • 12 My Twitter Diary: The First Week // Apr 5, 2008 at

    […] a week of using Twitter, I thought that I’d publish my first impressions of the media. (This is NOT my conclusions […]